SPH rEsearch and engineeRing International Community
Welcome to SPHERIC
SPHERIC is the international organisation representing the community of researchers and industrial users of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH).
As a purely Lagrangian technique, SPH enables the simulation of highly distorting fluids and solids. Fields including free-surface flows, solid mechanics, multi-phase, fluid-structure interaction and astrophysics where Eulerian methods can be difficult to apply represent ideal applications of this meshless method.

The SPH method was developed to study non-axisymmetric phenomena in astrophysics in the 1970s, but its application to engineering emerged in the 1990s and early 2000s. In the past twenty years the method has developed rapidly in many fields of application from impacts to fracture to breaking waves and fluid-structure interaction.
Following the impulse generated by a collection of local initiatives in 2005 (France, UK, Italy...), a need to foster and collaborate efforts and developments was identified. Since then, the SPHERIC organization has gone on to push the development of the method forward providing a network of researchers and industrial users around the world as a means to communicate and collaborate.
Objectives of SPHERIC
To develop the fundamental basis of SPH
To discuss current and new concepts
To foster communication between industry and academia
To communicate experience in the application of the technology
To investigate accelerating simulations and visualisation
To provide access to existing software and methods
To define benchmark test cases
To identify future needs of SPH
For a general description of our activities, please see our Events and Activities in the main menu bar and also our webpage on the ERCOFTAC website.
Members of SPHERIC
Members of SPHERIC come from all over the world: LIST OF MEMBERS.
If you are interested in knowing more about the activities of SPHERIC, please see our regular Newsletters.
How to become a member?
To become a member of SPHERIC, you must fulfil the following conditions :
• Being a scientific institute (private or public, industrial or academic)
• Conducting research or application studies with the SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) numerical method on any field of theoretical or applied Physics (hydraulics, continuous media, fluid-structure interaction, astrophysics, turbomachinery, etc.)
Please also note the following additional details:
• Only institutes can be members (not individuals)
• An institute is represented by one contact person, who will periodically receive information through our newsletter and/or by connecting on the website http://spheric-sph.org/
• Being a member is free of charges and involves no particular obligations; however, it is strongly recommended to contribute to SPHERIC activities through publications in the biannual newsletter and/or by attending the annual workshop
If you accept the above conditions and would like to become a member of SPHERIC, please fill out the Membership form.
SPH Members Map

Annual Workshops
We hold a 3-day SPH workshop every year plus a 1-day Training Day.
The workshops are the centerpiece of the SPHERIC calendar bringing everyone together to discuss the latest developments.
Details on more events can be found on the Events and Activities tab in the main manu above.
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